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If the truth be told I'm a sucker for the High Grade/ Move over, Ginger

Salted Honey Peanut & Date Coconut Banana Ice Cream.

After my previously mentioned experiences with crack, I was suffering from withdrawal symptoms and turned to the adventure of making my own. Breaking Bad style, I ordered a plastic orange jumpsuit and acquired supplies for my experimentation from a range of sources to avoid suspicion:

Item 1: Coconut cream. Purchased in bulk by Momma H at wholesaler known as 'makro'.

Item 2: Dates. The best in the business. Paid in cash only at Worldwide supermarkets, Rusholme


Item 3: Cinnamon. This powder is high grade, you only need a pinch.

Item 4: Sensations salted honey roast peanuts. A free sample from an outside source - cut with all kinds of dodgy stuff but still delivers a great kick.

Item 5: Bananas. Stored at freezing point to eliminate any detectable traces (and so that the ice cream is cold).


Begin by grinding #4 to a fine powder in a high-speed [food] processor. Add 6 quantities of #2, pitted along with the cream de la cream and up to 4 doses of #5. Sprinkle with a few crystals of that stuff they extract from the sea, and swirl in some of that lethal Skippy's concoction if you have any lying around.

Best enjoyed whilst lying in a field in the sun with some floaty music and maybe a nice toffee apple cider.

In true festival spirit this is vegan friendly, lactose free and doesn't contain meat. It's a no-no for the peanut allergens out there unfortunately.

Enjoy responsibly, know your limits and stay safe.





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